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Kirsty Bewley

Your friendly frontend web developer!

Github account@kbew25

Built with NextJS

Building a blog using NextJS.

This has been the first time developing with NextJS. I come from a Drupal frontend world and have been exploring the relms of ReactJS. I develop quite a few react apps recently and even had a look at using Gatsby. Eventhough I think Gatsby is great, I've been hearing I should try NextJS. Verdict, pretty awesome. Compared to Gatsby it feels less opinionated. Easy to setup and quicker to get your head around.

Getting a blog set up was easying following NextJs docs. I started with using yarn create next-app and everything was ready to get started. I decided to use Theme-UI as a quickstart for theming the blog. Theme UI is built using styled-components, which I find simple to read and manage.

The blog is very simple and consists of a Layout component and a Header component

/* ./components/Layout.js */
import { Container } from 'theme-ui';
import Header from './Header/Header';

const Layout = ({ children }) => {
  return (
      <Header />

export default Layout;